2014년 1월 3일 금요일

[스프링프레임워크 게시판]Spring Framework3.2게시판(MyBatis적용) - 유경석, 스프링게시판

[스프링프레임워크 게시판]Spring Framework3.2게시판(MyBatis적용) - 유경석
22번까지 작성된 게시판에  MyBatis를 적용하여 구현
package onj.board.dao;
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
import onj.board.model.BoardDTO;
import onj.board.model.CommentDTO;
public interface BoardDAO {
 // 게시물 리스트 보기
 public List<BoardDTO> boardList() throws DataAccessException;
 // 게시물 본문 미리보기
 public String preView(String seq) throws DataAccessException;
 // 게시물 본문 읽기
 public BoardDTO readContent(String seq) throws DataAccessException;
 // 읽은 글의 조회수 1증가
 public int updateReadCount(String seq) throws DataAccessException;
 // Comment저장
 public int insertComment(CommentDTO commentDTO) throws DataAccessException;
 // Comment조회
 public List<CommentDTO> commentList(String seq) throws DataAccessException;
 // 게시글 입력
 public int insertBoard(BoardDTO board) throws DataAccessException;
 // 글 수정
 public int updateBoard(BoardDTO board) throws DataAccessException;
 // 글 삭제
 public int deleteBoard(BoardDTO boardDto) throws DataAccessException;
 // 답글 step plus
 public void replyBoardStep(BoardDTO boardDto) throws DataAccessException;
 // 답글 달기
 public int replyBoard(BoardDTO board)throws DataAccessException;
 // SQL리턴
 public String getSql();
package onj.board.dao;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import onj.board.model.BoardDTO;
import onj.board.model.CommentDTO;
import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class SpringBoardDAO implements BoardDAO{
 private SqlSession sqlSessionTemplate;
 String sql ="";
 public String getSql(){return sql;}
 // 게시판 전체 리스트 보기
 public List<BoardDTO> boardList() throws DataAccessException{
  List<BoardDTO> boardList = null;
  BoardDAO boardDao = sqlSessionTemplate.getMapper(BoardDAO.class);
  boardList = boardDao.boardList;
  return boardList;
 // 게시물 본문내용 미리보기(/preView)
 public String preView(String seq) throws DataAccessException {
  String preContent;
  BoardDAO boardDao = sqlSessionTemplate.getMapper(BoardDAO.class);
  preContent = boardDao.preView(seq);
  return preContent;
 // 게시판 상세보기, 게시글 읽기
 public BoardDTO readContent(String seq) throws DataAccessException{
  BoardDTO boardDto = null;
  BoardDAO boardDao = sqlSessionTemplate.getMapper(BoardDAO.class);
  boardDto = boardDao.readContent();
  // 글 조회 1증가
  this.updateReadCount(new Integer(seq).toString());
  return boardDto;
 // 읽은 글의 조회수를 1증가
 public int updateReadCount(String seq) throws DataAccessException{
  int count = 0;
  BoardDAO boardDao = sqlSessionTemplate.getMapper(BoardDAO.class);
  count = boardDao.updateReadCount(seq);
  return count;
 // 커멘트 입력
 public int insertComment(CommentDTO commentDTO)throws DataAccessException{
  int re = 0;
  BoardDAO boardDao = sqlSessionTemplate.getMapper(BoardDAO.class);
  re = boardDao.insertComment(commentDTO);
  return re;
 // 커멘트 조회
 public List<CommentDTO> commentList(String seq) throws DataAccessException{
   List<CommentDTO> list = null; 
   BoardDAO boardDao = sqlSessionTemplate.getMapper(BoardDAO.class);
   list = boardDao.commentList(seq);
   return list; 
 // 글쓰기
 public int insertBoard(BoardDTO board) throws DataAccessException{
  int re = 0;
  BoardDAO boardDao = sqlSessionTemplate.getMapper(BoardDAO.class);
  re = boardDao.insertBoard(board);
  return re;
 // 글 수정 
 public int updateBoard(BoardDTO board) throws DataAccessException {
  int re = 0;
  BoardDAO boardDao = sqlSessionTemplate.getMapper(BoardDAO.class);
  re = boardDao.updateBoard(board);
  return re;
 // 게시글 삭제
 public int deleteBoard(BoardDTO boardDto)
   throws DataAccessException {
  int re = 0;
  BoardDAO boardDao = sqlSessionTemplate.getMapper(BoardDAO.class);
  re = boardDao.deleteBoard(boardDto);
  return re;
 // 답글 step plus
 public void replyBoardStep(BoardDTO boardDto) throws DataAccessException {
  BoardDAO boardDao = sqlSessionTemplate.getMapper(BoardDAO.class);
 // 달급달기
 public int replyBoard(BoardDTO boardDTO) throws DataAccessException {
  int re = 0;
  BoardDAO boardDao = sqlSessionTemplate.getMapper(BoardDAO.class);
  re = boardDao.replyBoard(boardDTO);
  return re; 
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
 <!-- context -->  
 <context:component-scan base-package="board.controller"/>
 <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
  <property name="driverClassName" value="oracle.jdbc.drver.OracleDriver"/>
  <property name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:onj"/> 
  <property name="username" value="scott"/>
  <property name="password" value="tiger"/> 
 <bean id="sqlSessionFactory" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean">
  <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/>
  <property name="configLocation" value="classpath:onj/mybatis/model/sqlmap-config.xml "/>
  <property name="mapperLocations" value="classpath:onj/mybatis/*.xml"/> 
 <bean id="sqlSession" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate">
  <constructor-arg index="0" ref="sqlSessionFactory"/> 
 <!-- 뷰 리졸버 --> 
   컨트롤러의 메소드에서 리턴되는 ModelAndView의 뷰 이름을 취하여 실제 클라이언트에 
   보여질 뷰와 매핑 하는데 prefix특성의 값과 suffix특성의 값을 각가 접두어와 접미어로서 붙인다. 
 <bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
  <property name="prefix">
  <property name="suffix">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE configuration PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Config 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-config.dtd">
  <typeAlias type="onj.board.model.BoardDTO" alias="boardDTO"/>
  <typeAlias type="onj.board.model.CommentDTO" alias="commentDTO"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="onj.board.dao.BoardDAO">
 <resultMap type="boardDTO" id="boardDTO">
  <result property="seq" column="seq"/>
  <result property="name" column="name"/>
  <result property="passwd" column="passwd"/>
  <result property="title" column="title"/>
  <result property="content" column="content"/>
  <result property="fileName" column="filename"/>
  <result property="regdate" column="regdate"/>
  <result property="readCount" column="readcount"/>
  <result property="reply" column="reply"/>
  <result property="reply_step" column="reply_step"/>
  <result property="reply_level" column="reply_level"/>
 <!-- 게시판 전체 리스트 보기 -->
 <select id="boardList" resultMap="boardDTO">
  select * from 
  (select seq,name,passwd,title,content,filename,regdate,readcount,reply,reply_step,reply_level,rownum r from board order by reply desc,reply_step asc)
 <!-- 미리보기 -->
 <select id="preView" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="java.lang.String">
  select content from board where seq = #{seq} 
 <!-- 게시글 상세보기 -->
 <select id="readContent" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultMap="boardDTO">
  select * from board where seq = #{seq} 
 <!-- 읽은 글의 조회수를 1증가 -->
 <update id="updateReadCount" parameterType="java.lang.String">
  update board set readcount = nvl(readcount,0)+1 where seq = #{seq}
 <!-- 게시글 입력  -->
 <insert id="insertBoard" parameterType="boardDTO">
  insert into board values(board_seq.nextval,#{name},#{passwd},#{title},#{content},#{fileName},sysdate,0,board_seq.currval,0,0)
 <!-- 글 수정 -->
 <update id="updateBoard" parameterType="boardDTO">
  update board set name = #{name}, title=#{title} , content = #{content} where seq = #{seq}
 <!-- 글 삭제 -->
 <delete id="deleteBoard" parameterType="boardDTO" >  
  delete from board where seq = #{seq} and passwd=#{passwd}
 <!-- 답글달기 -->
 <!-- 현재 답변의 단 게시물 보다 더 높은 스텝의 게시물이 있다면 스탭을 하나씩 상승시킴 -->
 <update id="replyBoardStep" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" >
  update board set reply_step = reply_step+1 where reply = #{reply} and reply_step > reply_step
 <!-- reply_step과 reply_level을 1씩 증가 시킨 후 내용을 저장  -->
 <insert id="replyBoard" parameterType="boardDTO">
  insert into board values(board_seq.nextval,#{name},#{passwd},#{title},#{content},#{fileName},sysdate,0,#{reply},#{reply_step}+1,#{reply_step}+1)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-1-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="onj.board.dao.BoardDAO">
 <resultMap type="commentDTO" id="commentDTO">
  <result property="seq" column="seq"/>
  <result property="name" column="name"/>
  <result property="comment" column="comm"/>
 <!-- 커멘트 입력 -->
 <insert id="insertComment" parameterType="commentDTO">
  insert into comment_t(seq,name,comm) values(#{seq},#{name},#{comment})
 <!-- 커멘트 출력 -->
 <select id="commentList" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultMap="commentDTO">
  select * from comment_t where seq = #{seq}

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