본 예제는 하나의 화면에서 방명록의 내용을 입력하고 리스트들을 보는 구조로 되어 있는 예제 입니다.
이 예제를 실행 하기 위해서는 guestbook.mdb 파일이 필요 합니다.
Guestbook 이라는 테이블을 가지며 컬럼 구성은 다음과 같습니다.
No --> 일련번호, 정수(Long), 중복 불가능하며 증분 입니다.
Date --> 날짜/시간
Name --> 텍스트(50)
EMail --> 텍스트(50)
Text --> 메모
소스 코드는 아래와 같습니다.
<%@ Page Language="C#"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb"%>
<script runat=server>
// #################################################################
// #
// # file:
// # guestbook/index.asp
// #
// # description:
// # guestbook application.
// #
// # author:
// # Uwe Keim, uk@zeta-software.de
// # zeta software GbR, Germany (www.zeta-software.de)
// #
// # history:
// # 2002-01-26 Uwe Keim converted for use with ASP.NET and C#.
// # 2002-01-26 Uwe Keim fixed some suggestions from CodeProject comments.
// # 2000-01-13 Uwe Keim fixed typo when deleting from the database.
// # 2000-01-13 Uwe Keim added count-down.
// # created resource strings.
// # 1999-12-30 Uwe Keim added admin mode.
// # added multiple pages and other stuff.
// # 1999-11-24 Uwe Keim file created.
// #
// #################################################################
// #################################################################
// configuration.
string DB_STR { get { return "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Persist Security Info=False; Data Source=" + Server.MapPath("guestbook.mdb"); } }
// how many entries are being displayed on one page.
// normally you would specify here something between 20 and 50.
int HITS_PER_PAGE = 5;
// string resources, used by other parts of the page.
// used in order to separate code from content.
//-todo: add more.
string IDS_ANONYMOUS = "Anonymous";
string IDS_FIELDSMISSING = "Not all required fields were filled out. Entry was not created.";
string IDS_ERRORINSERT = "Error inserting entry.";
string IDS_ERRORDELETE = "Error deleting entry.";
string IDS_MAIL = "Send e-mail to";
string IDS_ERROR = "Error occured.";
// #################################################################
// #################################################################
// #################################################################
// #################################################################
// #################################################################
// "main function" and html code.
// set the global variable Mode.
Mode = Request["mode"]==null?MODE_NORMAL:Convert.ToInt32(Request["mode"]);
// new entry.
if ( HasMode(MODE_INSERT) )
catch ( OleDbException e )
Response.Redirect( ErrorUrl(IDS_ERRORINSERT + " : " + e.Message), true );
catch ( Exception e )
Response.Redirect( ErrorUrl(IDS_FIELDSMISSING), true );
Response.Redirect( NormalUrl(), true );
// delete entry.
if ( HasMode(MODE_DELETE) )
catch ( Exception e )
Response.Redirect( ErrorUrl(IDS_ERRORDELETE + " : " + e.Message), true );
Response.Redirect( NormalUrl(), true );
// #################################################################
// query table and count the total number of entries.
DataTable Table = Execute( "SELECT * FROM Guestbook ORDER BY [Date] DESC" );
int sum_cnt = Table.Rows.Count;
// #################################################################
// calculate: pages, start, end, etc.
int cur_page;
if ( Request["pg"]==null )
cur_page = 0;
cur_page = Convert.ToInt32(Request["pg"]);
//int total_pages = sum_cnt/HITS_PER_PAGE;
int total_pages = sum_cnt/HITS_PER_PAGE;
if ( sum_cnt%HITS_PER_PAGE>0 && sum_cnt>HITS_PER_PAGE )
if ( total_pages<=0 )
// the # of the displayed hits.
int hit_display_start = 1+cur_page*HITS_PER_PAGE;
int hit_display_end = hit_display_start+Math.Min(sum_cnt,HITS_PER_PAGE)-1;
if ( hit_display_end>sum_cnt ) hit_display_end=sum_cnt;
// ---------------------------------
// the numbers must be displayed descending.
int cntdwn_start = sum_cnt-hit_display_start+1;
int cntdwn_end = sum_cnt-hit_display_end+1;
// #################################################################
// navigation flags.
// whether there exists a previous or a next page.
bool can_prev_page = cur_page>0;
bool can_next_page = cur_page<total_pages-1;
bool can_prevornext_page = can_prev_page || can_next_page;
// ---------------------------------
// whether there exists a first and a last page.
bool can_first_page = can_prevornext_page && cur_page>0;
bool can_last_page = can_prevornext_page && cur_page<total_pages-1;
// #################################################################
// "navigate" to start-recordset.
int table_index = hit_display_start-1;
// end of the pure asp-part.
// #################################################################
// #################################################################
// #################################################################
<%// here starts the mixed html/asp part %>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// write error.%>
<% if ( HasMode(MODE_ERROR) ) { %>
<p><font color="#FF0000"><b><%=IDS_ERROR + " : " + Request["error"]%></b></font><p>
<% } %>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// link to insert. %>
<%// since the insert formular is at the bottom of the page, %>
<%// the user could not find it. therefore the link at the to. %>
<p><a href="#insert">Create new entry</a></p>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// diplay information %>
<p><b><%=sum_cnt%></b> Entries found.
Page <b><%=cur_page+1%></b> of <b><%=total_pages%></b>,
entries <b><%=cntdwn_start%></b> to <b><%=cntdwn_end%></b>.</p>
<%// display top navigation buttons %>
<% if ( can_first_page ) { %><a href="<%=NaviUrl(0) %>">First page</a><br> <%}%>
<% if ( can_prev_page ) { %><a href="<%=NaviUrl(cur_page-1) %>">Previous page</a><br><%}%>
<% if ( can_next_page ) { %><a href="<%=NaviUrl(cur_page+1) %>">Next page</a><br> <%}%>
<% if ( can_last_page ) { %><a href="<%=NaviUrl(total_pages-1)%>">Last page</a><br> <%}%></p>
// display discrete pages to jump directly to.
for ( int i=1; i<total_pages; ++i )
<a href="<%=NaviUrl(i-1)%>">Page <%=i%></a>
// #################################################################
// output all entries.
int cntdwn = cntdwn_start;
int cnt = 0;
while ( table_index<Table.Rows.Count && cnt<HITS_PER_PAGE )
DataRow row = Table.Rows[table_index];
bool e = row["EMail"]!=null;
<%// one guestbook entry %>
<hr size="1" color="#C0C0C0">
<p><b><%=cntdwn%>.</b> <%if ( e ) {%><a title="<%=IDS_MAIL +" "+ row["EMail"]%>"
href="mailto:<%=row["EMail"]%>"><%}%><%=row["Name"]%><%if ( e ) {%></a><%}%>,
<%if ( HasMode(MODE_ADMIN) ) {%> <a href="<%=DeleteUrl(Convert.ToInt32(row["No"]))%>">Delete entry</a><%}%>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// separator line. %>
<p><br><hr size="1" color="#C0C0C0"><br></p>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// output the entry-form. %>
<p><a name="insert"></a><b>Create new entry</b></p>
<p>Here you can create a new entry to the guestbook.</p>
<form action="<%=InsertUrl()%>" method="post">
<input type="text" name="gb_name" size="40"><br>
<input type="text" name="gb_email" size="40"><br>
<textarea rows="10" name="gb_text" cols="40"></textarea><br>
<br><input type="submit" value="Insert" name="gb_submit"><br>
<input type="hidden" name="insert" value="true">
<p>In your text, you can use the following HTML-tags: <u> <i>
<b> <em> (in lower-case)</p>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// here come the functions and constants.%>
<script runat="server">
// #################################################################
// global constants/variables.
// there is a global mode for the guestbook.
// depending on that mode, this page behaves different.
// you therefore don//t need different pages do to things like
// e.g. inserting or deleting.
// supported modes.
int MODE_NORMAL = 1; // normal viewing of the guestbook.
int MODE_ERROR = 2; // an error occured and is displayed.
int MODE_INSERT = 4; // inserting of a item into the guestbook.
int MODE_DELETE = 8; // deleting of an item of the guestbook.
int MODE_ADMIN = 16; // administration-mode: allows deletion of articles.
// read mode. default to normal.
int Mode;
// #################################################################
// general helper functions.
// replaces \n with <br>.
string FmtMl( string in_str )
if ( in_str==null || in_str.Length==0 )
return "";
string str;
str = in_str.Replace( "\r\n", "\n" );
str = str .Replace( "\r" , "\n" );
str = str .Replace( "\n" , "<br>" );
return str;
// allow several html codes, but not all.
string FmtText( string txt )
// first encode all.
txt = Server.HtmlEncode(txt);
// then decode the allowed tags.
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("<u>"), "<u>" );
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("</u>"), "</u>" );
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("<i>"), "<i>" );
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("</i>"), "</i>" );
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("<b>"), "<b>" );
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("</b>"), "</b>" );
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("<em>"), "<em>" );
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("</em>"), "</em>" );
return FmtMl(txt);
// #################################################################
// url functions.
// these functions should be used whenever you need a <a href="...">
// tag. instead of specifying an asp page and adding some cryptic
// parameters, you call one of these functions.
// with this approach, you can centralize the url-parameters
// in one place.
// the url of this page.
// automatically adds admin mode if currently active.
string MyselfUrl( int mode_ )
if ( (Mode & MODE_ADMIN)!=0 )
mode_ = mode_ | MODE_ADMIN;
return Request.ServerVariables["SCRIPT_NAME"] + "?mode=" + mode_;
// url for viewing the guestbook in normal mode.
string NormalUrl()
return MyselfUrl(MODE_NORMAL);
// url for displaying an error.
string ErrorUrl( string error_text )
return MyselfUrl(MODE_ERROR) + "&error=" + Server.UrlEncode(error_text);
// url for inserting a new entry to the guestbook.
string InsertUrl()
return MyselfUrl(MODE_INSERT);
// url for deleting an entry from the guestbook.
string DeleteUrl( int id )
return MyselfUrl(MODE_DELETE) + "&id=" + Server.UrlEncode(id.ToString());
string NaviUrl( int page )
return MyselfUrl(MODE_NORMAL) + "&pg=" + page;
// #################################################################
// special helper functions.
// insert a new entry to the guestbook.
void InsertEntry()
// read parameters.
string name = Request["gb_name"];
string email = Request["gb_email"];
string text = Request["gb_text"];
// check parameters.
if ( name==null ) name = IDS_ANONYMOUS;
if ( text==null ) throw new Exception( "Text to insert not specified" );
// --
// full code to write the new entry to the database.
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection( DB_STR );
OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter( "SELECT * FROM Guestbook", conn );
OleDbCommandBuilder cb = new OleDbCommandBuilder( da );
// this is important, since the database contains reserved SQL keywords (Date and Text).
cb.QuotePrefix = "[";
cb.QuoteSuffix = "]";
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
da.Fill( ds );
DataTable table = ds.Tables[0];
DataRow row = table.NewRow();
row["Date"] = DateTime.Now;
row["Name"] = name;
row["EMail"] = email;
row["Text"] = text;
table.Rows.Add( row );
da.Update( ds );
// delete an entry from the guestbook.
void DeleteEntry()
// check parameters.
if ( Request["id"]==null )
throw new Exception( "ID to delete no specified" );
// read parameters.
int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request["id"]);
// actually delete the entry.
ExecuteNonQuery( "DELETE FROM Guestbook WHERE [No]=" + id );
// check, whether a mode is currently active.
bool HasMode( int mode_chk )
return (Mode & mode_chk)!=0;
// #################################################################
// helper routines for the database.
// single-line-shortcut for executing a query that returns NO results.
void ExecuteNonQuery( string sql )
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection( DB_STR );
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand( sql, conn );
// opens the recordset with the query.
DataTable Execute( string sql )
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection( DB_STR );
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand( sql, conn );
OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter();
da.SelectCommand = cmd;
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
da.Fill( ds );
return ds.Tables[0];
// #################################################################
이 예제를 실행 하기 위해서는 guestbook.mdb 파일이 필요 합니다.
Guestbook 이라는 테이블을 가지며 컬럼 구성은 다음과 같습니다.
No --> 일련번호, 정수(Long), 중복 불가능하며 증분 입니다.
Date --> 날짜/시간
Name --> 텍스트(50)
EMail --> 텍스트(50)
Text --> 메모
소스 코드는 아래와 같습니다.
<%@ Page Language="C#"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb"%>
<script runat=server>
// #################################################################
// #
// # file:
// # guestbook/index.asp
// #
// # description:
// # guestbook application.
// #
// # author:
// # Uwe Keim, uk@zeta-software.de
// # zeta software GbR, Germany (www.zeta-software.de)
// #
// # history:
// # 2002-01-26 Uwe Keim converted for use with ASP.NET and C#.
// # 2002-01-26 Uwe Keim fixed some suggestions from CodeProject comments.
// # 2000-01-13 Uwe Keim fixed typo when deleting from the database.
// # 2000-01-13 Uwe Keim added count-down.
// # created resource strings.
// # 1999-12-30 Uwe Keim added admin mode.
// # added multiple pages and other stuff.
// # 1999-11-24 Uwe Keim file created.
// #
// #################################################################
// #################################################################
// configuration.
string DB_STR { get { return "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Persist Security Info=False; Data Source=" + Server.MapPath("guestbook.mdb"); } }
// how many entries are being displayed on one page.
// normally you would specify here something between 20 and 50.
int HITS_PER_PAGE = 5;
// string resources, used by other parts of the page.
// used in order to separate code from content.
//-todo: add more.
string IDS_ANONYMOUS = "Anonymous";
string IDS_FIELDSMISSING = "Not all required fields were filled out. Entry was not created.";
string IDS_ERRORINSERT = "Error inserting entry.";
string IDS_ERRORDELETE = "Error deleting entry.";
string IDS_MAIL = "Send e-mail to";
string IDS_ERROR = "Error occured.";
// #################################################################
// #################################################################
// #################################################################
// #################################################################
// #################################################################
// "main function" and html code.
// set the global variable Mode.
Mode = Request["mode"]==null?MODE_NORMAL:Convert.ToInt32(Request["mode"]);
// new entry.
if ( HasMode(MODE_INSERT) )
catch ( OleDbException e )
Response.Redirect( ErrorUrl(IDS_ERRORINSERT + " : " + e.Message), true );
catch ( Exception e )
Response.Redirect( ErrorUrl(IDS_FIELDSMISSING), true );
Response.Redirect( NormalUrl(), true );
// delete entry.
if ( HasMode(MODE_DELETE) )
catch ( Exception e )
Response.Redirect( ErrorUrl(IDS_ERRORDELETE + " : " + e.Message), true );
Response.Redirect( NormalUrl(), true );
// #################################################################
// query table and count the total number of entries.
DataTable Table = Execute( "SELECT * FROM Guestbook ORDER BY [Date] DESC" );
int sum_cnt = Table.Rows.Count;
// #################################################################
// calculate: pages, start, end, etc.
int cur_page;
if ( Request["pg"]==null )
cur_page = 0;
cur_page = Convert.ToInt32(Request["pg"]);
//int total_pages = sum_cnt/HITS_PER_PAGE;
int total_pages = sum_cnt/HITS_PER_PAGE;
if ( sum_cnt%HITS_PER_PAGE>0 && sum_cnt>HITS_PER_PAGE )
if ( total_pages<=0 )
// the # of the displayed hits.
int hit_display_start = 1+cur_page*HITS_PER_PAGE;
int hit_display_end = hit_display_start+Math.Min(sum_cnt,HITS_PER_PAGE)-1;
if ( hit_display_end>sum_cnt ) hit_display_end=sum_cnt;
// ---------------------------------
// the numbers must be displayed descending.
int cntdwn_start = sum_cnt-hit_display_start+1;
int cntdwn_end = sum_cnt-hit_display_end+1;
// #################################################################
// navigation flags.
// whether there exists a previous or a next page.
bool can_prev_page = cur_page>0;
bool can_next_page = cur_page<total_pages-1;
bool can_prevornext_page = can_prev_page || can_next_page;
// ---------------------------------
// whether there exists a first and a last page.
bool can_first_page = can_prevornext_page && cur_page>0;
bool can_last_page = can_prevornext_page && cur_page<total_pages-1;
// #################################################################
// "navigate" to start-recordset.
int table_index = hit_display_start-1;
// end of the pure asp-part.
// #################################################################
// #################################################################
// #################################################################
<%// here starts the mixed html/asp part %>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// write error.%>
<% if ( HasMode(MODE_ERROR) ) { %>
<p><font color="#FF0000"><b><%=IDS_ERROR + " : " + Request["error"]%></b></font><p>
<% } %>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// link to insert. %>
<%// since the insert formular is at the bottom of the page, %>
<%// the user could not find it. therefore the link at the to. %>
<p><a href="#insert">Create new entry</a></p>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// diplay information %>
<p><b><%=sum_cnt%></b> Entries found.
Page <b><%=cur_page+1%></b> of <b><%=total_pages%></b>,
entries <b><%=cntdwn_start%></b> to <b><%=cntdwn_end%></b>.</p>
<%// display top navigation buttons %>
<% if ( can_first_page ) { %><a href="<%=NaviUrl(0) %>">First page</a><br> <%}%>
<% if ( can_prev_page ) { %><a href="<%=NaviUrl(cur_page-1) %>">Previous page</a><br><%}%>
<% if ( can_next_page ) { %><a href="<%=NaviUrl(cur_page+1) %>">Next page</a><br> <%}%>
<% if ( can_last_page ) { %><a href="<%=NaviUrl(total_pages-1)%>">Last page</a><br> <%}%></p>
// display discrete pages to jump directly to.
for ( int i=1; i<total_pages; ++i )
<a href="<%=NaviUrl(i-1)%>">Page <%=i%></a>
// #################################################################
// output all entries.
int cntdwn = cntdwn_start;
int cnt = 0;
while ( table_index<Table.Rows.Count && cnt<HITS_PER_PAGE )
DataRow row = Table.Rows[table_index];
bool e = row["EMail"]!=null;
<%// one guestbook entry %>
<hr size="1" color="#C0C0C0">
<p><b><%=cntdwn%>.</b> <%if ( e ) {%><a title="<%=IDS_MAIL +" "+ row["EMail"]%>"
href="mailto:<%=row["EMail"]%>"><%}%><%=row["Name"]%><%if ( e ) {%></a><%}%>,
<%if ( HasMode(MODE_ADMIN) ) {%> <a href="<%=DeleteUrl(Convert.ToInt32(row["No"]))%>">Delete entry</a><%}%>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// separator line. %>
<p><br><hr size="1" color="#C0C0C0"><br></p>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// output the entry-form. %>
<p><a name="insert"></a><b>Create new entry</b></p>
<p>Here you can create a new entry to the guestbook.</p>
<form action="<%=InsertUrl()%>" method="post">
<input type="text" name="gb_name" size="40"><br>
<input type="text" name="gb_email" size="40"><br>
<textarea rows="10" name="gb_text" cols="40"></textarea><br>
<br><input type="submit" value="Insert" name="gb_submit"><br>
<input type="hidden" name="insert" value="true">
<p>In your text, you can use the following HTML-tags: <u> <i>
<b> <em> (in lower-case)</p>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// #################################################################%>
<%// here come the functions and constants.%>
<script runat="server">
// #################################################################
// global constants/variables.
// there is a global mode for the guestbook.
// depending on that mode, this page behaves different.
// you therefore don//t need different pages do to things like
// e.g. inserting or deleting.
// supported modes.
int MODE_NORMAL = 1; // normal viewing of the guestbook.
int MODE_ERROR = 2; // an error occured and is displayed.
int MODE_INSERT = 4; // inserting of a item into the guestbook.
int MODE_DELETE = 8; // deleting of an item of the guestbook.
int MODE_ADMIN = 16; // administration-mode: allows deletion of articles.
// read mode. default to normal.
int Mode;
// #################################################################
// general helper functions.
// replaces \n with <br>.
string FmtMl( string in_str )
if ( in_str==null || in_str.Length==0 )
return "";
string str;
str = in_str.Replace( "\r\n", "\n" );
str = str .Replace( "\r" , "\n" );
str = str .Replace( "\n" , "<br>" );
return str;
// allow several html codes, but not all.
string FmtText( string txt )
// first encode all.
txt = Server.HtmlEncode(txt);
// then decode the allowed tags.
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("<u>"), "<u>" );
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("</u>"), "</u>" );
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("<i>"), "<i>" );
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("</i>"), "</i>" );
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("<b>"), "<b>" );
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("</b>"), "</b>" );
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("<em>"), "<em>" );
txt = txt.Replace( Server.HtmlEncode("</em>"), "</em>" );
return FmtMl(txt);
// #################################################################
// url functions.
// these functions should be used whenever you need a <a href="...">
// tag. instead of specifying an asp page and adding some cryptic
// parameters, you call one of these functions.
// with this approach, you can centralize the url-parameters
// in one place.
// the url of this page.
// automatically adds admin mode if currently active.
string MyselfUrl( int mode_ )
if ( (Mode & MODE_ADMIN)!=0 )
mode_ = mode_ | MODE_ADMIN;
return Request.ServerVariables["SCRIPT_NAME"] + "?mode=" + mode_;
// url for viewing the guestbook in normal mode.
string NormalUrl()
return MyselfUrl(MODE_NORMAL);
// url for displaying an error.
string ErrorUrl( string error_text )
return MyselfUrl(MODE_ERROR) + "&error=" + Server.UrlEncode(error_text);
// url for inserting a new entry to the guestbook.
string InsertUrl()
return MyselfUrl(MODE_INSERT);
// url for deleting an entry from the guestbook.
string DeleteUrl( int id )
return MyselfUrl(MODE_DELETE) + "&id=" + Server.UrlEncode(id.ToString());
string NaviUrl( int page )
return MyselfUrl(MODE_NORMAL) + "&pg=" + page;
// #################################################################
// special helper functions.
// insert a new entry to the guestbook.
void InsertEntry()
// read parameters.
string name = Request["gb_name"];
string email = Request["gb_email"];
string text = Request["gb_text"];
// check parameters.
if ( name==null ) name = IDS_ANONYMOUS;
if ( text==null ) throw new Exception( "Text to insert not specified" );
// --
// full code to write the new entry to the database.
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection( DB_STR );
OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter( "SELECT * FROM Guestbook", conn );
OleDbCommandBuilder cb = new OleDbCommandBuilder( da );
// this is important, since the database contains reserved SQL keywords (Date and Text).
cb.QuotePrefix = "[";
cb.QuoteSuffix = "]";
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
da.Fill( ds );
DataTable table = ds.Tables[0];
DataRow row = table.NewRow();
row["Date"] = DateTime.Now;
row["Name"] = name;
row["EMail"] = email;
row["Text"] = text;
table.Rows.Add( row );
da.Update( ds );
// delete an entry from the guestbook.
void DeleteEntry()
// check parameters.
if ( Request["id"]==null )
throw new Exception( "ID to delete no specified" );
// read parameters.
int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request["id"]);
// actually delete the entry.
ExecuteNonQuery( "DELETE FROM Guestbook WHERE [No]=" + id );
// check, whether a mode is currently active.
bool HasMode( int mode_chk )
return (Mode & mode_chk)!=0;
// #################################################################
// helper routines for the database.
// single-line-shortcut for executing a query that returns NO results.
void ExecuteNonQuery( string sql )
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection( DB_STR );
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand( sql, conn );
// opens the recordset with the query.
DataTable Execute( string sql )
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection( DB_STR );
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand( sql, conn );
OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter();
da.SelectCommand = cmd;
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
da.Fill( ds );
return ds.Tables[0];
// #################################################################
![]() | ![]() ![]() | 12-27 | 2810 | |
![]() | ![]() ![]() | 12-11 | 2043 | |
53 | ![]() ![]() | 03-15 | 1867 | |
52 | ![]() ![]() | 01-31 | 2024 | |
51 | ![]() ![]() | 01-31 | 2988 | |
50 | ![]() ![]() | 01-31 | 1560 | |
49 | ![]() ![]() | 01-19 | 1882 | |
48 | ![]() ![]() | 01-11 | 1756 | |
47 | ![]() ![]() | 01-03 | 2332 | |
46 | ![]() ![]() | 12-27 | 2810 | |
45 | ![]() ![]() | 12-19 | 1969 | |
44 | ![]() ![]() | 12-14 | 1949 | |
43 | ![]() ![]() | 12-11 | 2043 | |
42 | ![]() ![]() | 12-09 | 1589 | |
41 | ![]() ![]() | 12-01 | 1813 | |
40 | ![]() ![]() | 12-01 | 2039 | |
39 | ![]() ![]() | 12-01 | 1465 |
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