2014년 6월 25일 수요일

[구로/가산디지털단지실무개발자JAVA학원/자바채팅RMI콜백예제소스,자바교육,자바학원,자바네트워크교육,RMI교육]Java RMI CallBack 채팅 소스 ,오라클자바커뮤니티 기초에서실무자바교육

[구로/가산디지털단지실무개발자JAVA학원/자바채팅RMI콜백예제소스,자바교육,자바학원,자바네트워크교육,RMI교육]Java RMI CallBack 채팅 소스 ,오라클자바커뮤니티 기초에서실무자바교육

package pejb.rmi.chat.client;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
import pejb.rmi.chat.server.Server;
public class ChatClient extends JApplet implements Receiver, ActionListener
 private String login_name=" ";
 private boolean isApplet, loggedIn;
 private static final int LOGIN=1, LOGOUT=2, CLEAR=3, COLOR=4, OK=5, CANCEL=6, BLUE=7, GREEN=8, BLACK=9;
 private JButton jb_logout, jb_login, jb_clear, jb_color, jb_ok, jb_cancel, jb_blue, jb_green,  jb_black;
 private JTextArea jta_chatDisplay;
 private JTextField jtf_chat_string, jtf_avatar_name;
 private JDialog jd_chat_name, jd_chat_color;
 private JScrollPane scrollPane;
 private Server server = null;
 public ChatClient() throws RemoteException
 public void init()
  isApplet = true;
 public void destroy()
   if (server != null) server.removeReceiver(this);
  catch(RemoteException e) {}
 private void createComponents()
  jb_logout= new JButton("Log Out");
  jb_login = new JButton("Log In");
  jb_clear = new JButton("Clear Messages");
  jb_color = new JButton("COLOR");
  jb_blue = new JButton("BLUE");
  jb_green = new JButton("GREEN");
  jb_black = new JButton("BLACK");
  jb_ok = new JButton("OK");
  jb_cancel = new JButton("Cancel");
  jtf_avatar_name = new JTextField(10);
  jtf_chat_string = new JTextField();
  jd_chat_name = new JDialog();
  jd_chat_color = new JDialog();
  jta_chatDisplay = new JTextArea();
 private void initUI()
  jb_logout.setActionCommand(LOGOUT +"");
  jb_ok.setActionCommand(OK +"");
  jb_cancel.setActionCommand(CANCEL + "");
  jb_login.setToolTipText("login with new chat name");
  jb_logout.setToolTipText("logout chatRoom");
  jb_clear.setToolTipText("clear chat messages since started...");
  jb_color.setToolTipText("changing color...");
  jd_chat_color.setTitle("changed color!!");
  jd_chat_name.setTitle("Input Avatar Name");
  jd_chat_name.setTitle("Select Color");
  JPanel color = new JPanel ();
  color.add(new Label("Color changed!!"));
  jd_chat_color.getContentPane().add(color, BorderLayout.CENTER);
  JPanel dummy = new JPanel ();
  JPanel p = new JPanel ();
  p.add(new Label("Avatar Name: "));
  jd_chat_name.getContentPane().add(p, BorderLayout.NORTH);
  jd_chat_name.getContentPane().add(dummy, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
  jta_chatDisplay.append("반갑습니다... ^^ 이 프로그램은 RMI Callback Based ChatClient 입니다.\n");
  jta_chatDisplay.append("사용법  ==>  입장 : Click 'Log In', 퇴실 : 'Log Out' \n");
  JPanel tmpPanel = new JPanel();
  scrollPane = new JScrollPane(jta_chatDisplay);
     Container contentPane = getContentPane();
        contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); 
  contentPane.add(tmpPanel , BorderLayout.NORTH);
  contentPane.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
  contentPane.add(jtf_chat_string, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

 private void addListeners()
  ActionListener tf_listener = new ActionListener()
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
     jtf_chat_string.setText("Please Login First...");
    catch(RemoteException ex)
 private void openConnection() throws RemoteException
  if(server == null)
    server = (Server)Naming.lookup("rmi://localhost:2000/ChatServer");
    System.out.println("Looked Up Remote Object...");
    send(login_name + " entered ...\n");
    loggedIn = true;
   catch( Exception e)
    throw new RemoteException("Couldn't get a valid remote refrence ...["+ e + "]");
  jtf_chat_string.setText(" ");
 private void closeConnection() throws RemoteException
  server.broadcast(" " + login_name + " 님이 퇴실 했습니다..."); 
  loggedIn = false;
  server = null;
 private void go()
  JFrame jf = new JFrame ();
  isApplet = false;
  jf.setSize(400, 600);
  jf.addWindowListener(new WindowCloser());
 private void send(String msg) throws RemoteException
  server.broadcast("[" + login_name + "] " + msg);
 public void printMsg(String msg) throws RemoteException
  jta_chatDisplay.append(msg+ "\n");
  JScrollBar vScroll = null;                  
  vScroll = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar();
 public static void main(String [] args)
   new ChatClient().go();
  catch(RemoteException ex)
 class WindowCloser extends WindowAdapter
  public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we)
   if(server != null)
    catch(RemoteException e)
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
  int buttonId = Integer.parseInt(ae.getActionCommand());
   case LOGOUT:
    catch (RemoteException e)
   case LOGIN:                                                                               
    jd_chat_name.setLocation(ChatClient.this.getLocationOnScreen().x + 50,
    ChatClient.this.getLocationOnScreen().y + 50);                                    
   case COLOR:
    jd_chat_color.setLocation(ChatClient.this.getLocationOnScreen().x + 50,
    ChatClient.this.getLocationOnScreen().y + 50);
   case BLUE:
   case GREEN:
   case BLACK:
   case OK:                                                                                  
    login_name = jtf_avatar_name.getText();
     jta_chatDisplay.setText("방가방가\n" + login_name + "으로 로그인 하셨습니다. 즐거운 시간 되십시요.\n");
    catch(RemoteException e)
   case CANCEL:
   case CLEAR:
    jta_chatDisplay.setText("Cleard the diplay area.\n");
package pejb.rmi.chat.server;
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
import java.rmi.registry.*;
import java.util.*;
import pejb.rmi.chat.client.*;
public class ChatServer extends UnicastRemoteObject implements Server
 private ArrayList allClients = new ArrayList(100);
 public ChatServer() throws RemoteException
 public void addReceiver(Receiver client) throws RemoteException
  System.out.println("Added a client...");
 synchronized public void broadcast(String msg) throws RemoteException
  int count = allClients.size();
  System.out.println("현재 접속중인 클라이언트::: " +count);
  Receiver client = null;
  for ( int i=0 ; i<count ; i++ )
   client = (Receiver)allClients.get(i);
 synchronized public void removeReceiver(Receiver client) throws RemoteException
 public static void main(String[] args)
   Server server = new ChatServer();
   Naming.rebind("rmi://localhost:2000/ChatServer", server);
   System.out.println("Remote Object[" +Server.CHAT_SERVER + "] bound... on port 2000");
  catch (Exception e)
   System.err.println("RMI 서버 생성시 오류 발생::: " + e);
package pejb.rmi.chat.client;
import java.rmi.*;
public interface Receiver extends Remote
 public void printMsg(String msg) throws RemoteException;
package pejb.rmi.chat.server;
import java.rmi.*;
import pejb.rmi.chat.client.Receiver;
public interface Server extends Remote
 public String CHAT_SERVER = "chatserver";
 public void broadcast(String msg) throws RemoteException;
 public void addReceiver(Receiver client) throws RemoteException;
 public void removeReceiver(Receiver client) throws RemoteException;

오라클자바커뮤니티교육센터, 개발자전문교육, 개인80%환급

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