-- extents.sql
set pagesize 66
set echo off
set feedback off
set verify off
ttitle 'Table Extents List'
spool extents.lst
col col0 heading 'Owner' format a10
col col1 heading 'Segment_name' format a20
col col2 heading 'Segment_Type' format a13
col col3 heading 'Ext Cnt' format 999
col col4 heading 'Size(KB)' format 999,999
col col5 heading 'TableSpace' format a15
col col6 heading 'TABLE NAME' format 999
col col7 heading 'PCT INCREASE' format 999
select e.owner col0,
e.segment_name col1,
e.segment_type col2,
count(e.segment_name) col3,
sum(e.bytes) / 1024 col4,
t.tablespace_name col5,
t.table_name col6,
t.pct_increase col7
from dba_extents e, dba_indexes t
where e.segment_name = t.index_name
and e.owner not in ('SYSTEM', 'SYS')
and e.segment_type = 'INDEX'
group by e.owner, e.segment_name, e.segment_type,t.tablespace_name,t.table_name,t.pct_increase
having count(e.segment_name) >= 1
spool off
Previous Article : Oracle8 for LINUX NET8 기본개념
Next Article : Table Description SQL...
-- extents.sql
set pagesize 66
set echo off
set feedback off
set verify off
ttitle 'Table Extents List'
spool extents.lst
col col0 heading 'Owner' format a10
col col1 heading 'Segment_name' format a20
col col2 heading 'Segment_Type' format a13
col col3 heading 'Ext Cnt' format 999
col col4 heading 'Size(KB)' format 999,999
col col5 heading 'TableSpace' format a15
col col6 heading 'TABLE NAME' format 999
col col7 heading 'PCT INCREASE' format 999
select e.owner col0,
e.segment_name col1,
e.segment_type col2,
count(e.segment_name) col3,
sum(e.bytes) / 1024 col4,
t.tablespace_name col5,
t.table_name col6,
t.pct_increase col7
from dba_extents e, dba_indexes t
where e.segment_name = t.index_name
and e.owner not in ('SYSTEM', 'SYS')
and e.segment_type = 'INDEX'
group by e.owner, e.segment_name, e.segment_type,t.tablespace_name,t.table_name,t.pct_increase
having count(e.segment_name) >= 1
spool off
Previous Article : Oracle8 for LINUX NET8 기본개념
Next Article : Table Description SQL...
오라클자바커뮤니티교육센터, 개발자전문교육, 개인80%환급
평일주간(9:30~18:10) 개강
(6/30)[기업100%환급]SQL기초에서 Schema Object까지
(7/07)[기업100%환급]Spring ,MyBatis,Hibernate실무과정
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(6/24)Spring3.X, MyBatis, Hibernate실무과정
(7/03)웹퍼블리싱 마스터
(7/15)MyBatis3.X, Hibernate4.X ORM실무과정
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(7/05)SQL초보에서 Schema Object까지
(7/12)MyBatis3.X, Hibernate4.X ORM실무과정
주말저녁(18:30~22:20) 개강
평일주간(9:30~18:10) 개강
(6/30)[기업100%환급]SQL기초에서 Schema Object까지
(7/07)[기업100%환급]Spring ,MyBatis,Hibernate실무과정
(7/07)[기업100%환급]자바기초에서 JDBC, Servlet/JSP까지
평일야간(19:00~21:50) 개강
(6/24)Spring3.X, MyBatis, Hibernate실무과정
(7/03)웹퍼블리싱 마스터
(7/15)MyBatis3.X, Hibernate4.X ORM실무과정
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(6/28)Spring3.X, MyBatis, Hibernate실무과정
(6/28)실무예제로 배워보는 jQuery(개발자/디자이너를위한)
(7/05)SQL초보에서 Schema Object까지
(7/12)MyBatis3.X, Hibernate4.X ORM실무과정
주말저녁(18:30~22:20) 개강
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